Weight Loss For Men: Seven Benefits #BeautySecrets

Weight Loss For Men: Seven Benefits #BeautySecrets

With even the smallest amount of weight loss for men there are numerous health benefits. Even just a 5% weight loss, experts agree, improves your health as well as quality of life. This means only ten pounds for a 200 pound man.

Here are 7 ways your health can benefit from weight loss:

1. Your blood sugar levels improve and you'll decrease your chance for Type 2 Diabetes.

2. Less chance of need for medication for high blood pressure because of lower blood pressure.

3. You will notice fewer aches and pains and less wear and tear on your joints as your chance for Osteoarthritis is lessened.

4. Minimize your risk of sudden death from heart disease or stroke.

5. High cholesterol is lowered.

6. You'll be able to sleep better and you will wake up feeling more rested.

7. Mobility is improved and you end up with increased energy levels.

It would seem that any one of these incredible benefits alone gives strong motivation to stay on track. The problem is that knowing how much your health will improve is not always enough to make the commitment to lose the weight you want. Then what is?

Begin With The End In Mind

This is a self hypnosis technique which gives you the ability to hyper-focus on the task at hand. When you begin with the end in mind, you'll be focusing intently on the results you want.

Which these seven benefits are what you need right now? Use it as a powerful motivator to lose weight. For example, if you currently suffer from aches and pains you will want to lose weight to make it easier on your joints and to avoid Osteoarthritis.

Get really specific using vivid detail about what this means to you. Will you be able to walk up the stairs without leaning on the railing? Will you be able to get up from a seated position without your joints creaking?

Specifically, how will you benefit?

Make a list of affirmations that you can use as suggestions to yourself. Change your thoughts using self hypnosis to support your weight loss efforts by repeating these often throughout your day.

You may find that using a weight loss hypnosis recording will give you even more of a boost. Look for one in which you can easily use as you go about your day in addition to spending time in a deeper trance.

Weight loss for men is made easier with the use of self hypnosis.

Source: Sherri Frost


Juliana said…
I do agree with the benefits of weight loss listed here. I think it will also benefit women. Shedding off the excess pounds not only makes one look better and helps one exudes confidence but more importantly it's beneficial to ones health.
Nilyn said…
I've seen so many people online who were either overweight or obese but were able to lose weight, some in fact turned into body builders and that's really awesome. It takes courage and determination to be able to do that so I really salute these people!
Chubskulit Rose said…
My husband is trying really hard to lose weight, he used to be so trimmed when he was in the military but now he gained weight.
Jessica Cassidy said…
Losing weight is not easy but with determination and hard work, it will pay off.
Nova said…
This very helpful for those men who are overweight and would like to lose weight without exerting too much effort in one time.
riablahgs said…
These are good benefits to have when losing weight. I wish it is easy too but for men, it is a bit easy compared to women when losing weight because men have lean muscles.
Lainy said…
Very enriching post! I must agree with everything here. My husband are one of those lucky men who doesn't have any trouble losing weight. Life is unfair :-/